Tuesday, 21 May 2013


1. THE ‘TRUE LOVE’ APPROACH: ‘If you love me, you will let me.’

2.THE LOGICAL APPROACH: ‘I thought we are going to get married’

3.THE BIG SHOT APPROACH: ‘Girls are standing by in line to date me.You are a lucky person, you

4.THE SITUATIONAL APPROACH: ‘Everybody is doing it’. ‘Times have changed’

5.THE THREAT APPROACH: ‘If you don’t, I will date some else’

6.THE PROMISE, PROMISE APPROACH: ‘You will not get pregnant.Even if you do, I promise to care for you.We will get married’

7.THE GUILT APPROACH: ‘I am so tensed up I can’t stand it! You led me on. You can’t stop now. I have got to have it!”

8.THE FLATTERY APPROACH: ‘You have such a gorgeous body that I can hardly control myself!’

9.THE ABNORMAL APPROACH: ‘What is the matter with you?Are you frigid or something?’

10.THE SYMPATHY APPROACH: ‘Nobody but you understands me.Everybody is against me.All i need is you to help me, and everything will be ok’ or ‘You poor little girl. Nobody has loved you as I do. Let me show you real love, right now, at the back seat of this car’

11.THE INTELLECTUAL APPROACH: He is an excellent conversationalist who can wow you with phrases and ideas. Here the guy promotes heavy ‘think’ sessions regarding sex. He doesn’t ‘do’ anything at first – just get you in the habit of verbalizing sex.


Extracted from her wordpress page- www.destiedo.wordpress.com/

Author's Info: Profile

Monday, 6 May 2013

SEX BENEFITS (Fact or Fiction)



 Most people learn the basics behind sex when Mom, Dad or the sex-ed teacher sit them down for a talk about where babies come from. And sure, sex is about reproduction. But it also has a number of pleasant side effects that aren't quite as well-known. Here are six things (safe) sex can do for you.

1.) Reduces Anxiety:
Sex may sometimes cause, ahem, performance anxiety, but fortunately there's a cure: Sex! OK, maybe it isn't as simple as that, but sexual activity has been shown to reduce anxiety in rodents and humans.

2.) Relaxes Nerves:
Sex can relax people, too, according to a study of 24 men and 22 women who kept daily diaries of their sexual activity and then had to either do arithmetic or speak in front of a crowd. People who reported more sexual intercourse had lower blood pressure when performing these stressful tasks. (Unfortunately for onanists, the results didn't apply to masturbation.)

3.) Boost Immunity:

While you probably shouldn't get busy with someone with a cold, regular sex may boost your immune system. A study presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention in 1999 found that among undergraduate students, those who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A, or IgA, compared with students who fooled around less. IgA is found in saliva and mucosal linings, and it is one of the body's first defenses against infections. Don't get too excited, though: The study found that those who had sex three times a week or more had levels of IgA comparable to those who abstained from sex altogether, suggesting there's a happy medium. The researchers speculated that moderate sexual activity exposes you to other people's bugs, boosting the immune system, New Scientist magazine reported at the time. The sexaholics, on the other hand, may have been more anxious or stressed overall, which tends to lower immunity. So watch it, and don't get yourself over worked!

4.) Makes You Happy:
No big surprise here; Sex and happiness go hand-in-hand. A 2004 study published in the economics journal The American Economic Review asked 900 American women how various daily activities made them feel and found that "intimate relations" topped the charts for happiness. (The morning commute was the most unpleasant daily ritual.) A 2004 study of 16,000 Americans, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found that people who are happy tend to be the ones getting the most action. The study estimated that boosting between-the-sheets time from once a month to once a week was the happiness equivalent of getting a $50,000 raise. (Though type of sex matters: Men who paid for sex were less happy, as were people who cheated on a spouse).

5.)  Soothe Your Pain:
Orgasms don't just feel good; they ease pain. Research conducted at Rutgers University has found that women have increased pain tolerance and decreased pain detection during vaginal stimulation and orgasm. One 1985 study, published in the journal Pain, found that during vaginal stimulation, women saw increases in their pain threshold of about 36 percent to 40 percent. Around orgasm, women's pain threshold increased by 74.6 percent. The researchers are hoping they can isolate the chemical or brain response that causes this immunity to pain, enabling them to take the effect out of the bedroom and into day-to-day life.

6.) Decreases neuroticism:
Do you stress out about relationships? A regular sex life could ease your fears. Newlyweds who score high in neuroticism – a trait marked by mood swings and frequent worry – cope better in their marriages when there's more sex. For most couples, frequency of sex at this stage of marriage wasn't associated with happiness, but neurotic spouses seemed to get a boost when things were active in the bedroom. Neuroticism tends to make people unhappy, but sex wiped worries away, making neurotic newlyweds as satisfied as their relaxed counterparts.

7.) Reduces prostate cancer risk:

Men, here's a good reason to get off: Ejaculation may reduce prostate cancer risk. A 2004 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association followed 30,000 men, including about 1,500 who eventually got prostate cancer, and found that an active sex life was not associated with a higher risk of the disease. Men who ejaculated the most – 21 times a month or more – were about one-third less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who ejaculated between four and seven times a month. The jury is still out on when and if adding extra ejaculation to your life is helpful, however. Research on the topic has been somewhat contradictory and the protective effect of ejaculation is probably small. Perhaps the best approach is to have sex for sex's sake, and let the side benefits fall where they may.

Information as regard this article was researched from LIVE SCIENCE archive. We can't validate the authenticity of this information, be it fact or fiction, you hold the final verdict.

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By: Moses S. Olarotimi

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Thursday, 18 April 2013


The Mayan 2012 Prophecy

According to many New Age believers, the 2012 prophecy states that the world as we know it will end on December 21, 2012. This is not a new phenomena; as landmark dates draw near, end-of-the-world theories creep out of the woodwork with astonishing popularity. People love this armageddon stuff.
And yet, we're still here.
I don't consider 2012 to be one of the true unexplained mysteries... far from it. Yet many people are really into this one. So let's look at the idea more closely.
The theory is based on the idea that when the ancient Mayans plotted our position in the Milky Way, they created a special astrological calendar. And on the Winter Solstice (in the Northern hemisphere) in 2012, the Earth would pass into a new astrological phase and something dramatic would happen - ie the world ends.
Unfortunately for Mayan fans, there is no real-life evidence to support the idea that the alignment of planets in relation to distant star constellations viewed from our Earthly perspective has anything to do with day-to-day changes in your personal life.
What's more, Mayan scholars report that there is no evidence to show that the Mayans ever made any kind of doomsday prophecy! Merely, that calendars keep track of the passage of time - they do not predict the future.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

GOD vs. SCIENCE (Theory Of Misconception)

This article was a comment posted by the author on a post on the facebook page.  For originality sake, click on the link below to view
Ndi Igbo 

"Science does not conflict with God,
For it seeks Harmony in all.
Science does not conflict with God,
But with Religion and Its Law".

--an excerpt from "The Journey of the Soul"

In as much as I believe that there is a reason for everything, in as much as I believe that there is a reason for our existence, for life and death, and that there is no mistakes or chances in the Universe. I think that shallow explanations or reasoning (or lack of them) of things are not good bases for mankind even if such explanations/ reasoning gives us all a peace of mind.
I am yet to read any book where it is clearly stated "Science Confirms the Non-Existence of God," rather all that science is doing is to make us to be more realistic, to be users of our mind, to be better at our faith. Science has tried to rationalize everything, to make all terrestrial...to make all simple...so that a skeptics will see and believe.
To say that something is True, it is if and only if it is universally true at all times. You can not be fair today and tomorrow dark and expect to be called universally true. You cant keep people "blessed" by continuous confusing them and making it difficult for them to find out the truth under the foundation of "Believe it all in Faith"
The Idea of God is a very delicate one but if our 5 material senses can not see it, smell it, touch it, hear it or taste it, then as far as the physical Universe is concern, that the notion of God is done and dusted till a new theory/ hypothesis is propounded...on e that we all can experiment upon and not one we should blindly follow. Though there are cases to be made for the electric sense...which makes one feel something without the aid of his 5 sense organs but that is a part of science that is still developing and at this time littered with ambiguity and speculations.
George Berkeley once famously said "Esse est Percipi" (To exist is to be perceived.. So if no one perceive God on the physical level then physically God does not exist but in the Spiritual level as some would say, perhaps he does exist therein but our technology for now is limited to the physical realm.

The writer of this article made mention of Evolution. EVOLUTION is only one of the THEORIES that explains the existences of life-form on earth as we know it...but not the only Theory. A theory is an explanation that might still be refuted by a better theory, it is very very different from a Law.
 A law in science is A and Amen...like the Law of gravity, law of thermodynamics, Hooke's law etc but there is no Law yet for the formation of life. Still this theory has tried in its own way to explain life with some evidence though imperfect-as they may be, but an evidence still. Its religious counterpart quickly to denounce it forget to give us any evidence to support its points except that "God made the animals and then made Man, and you should never doubt God, you should not concern yourself with his ways but in all thing Believe!" they have even in a mocking way asked ignorantly why no evolution has been witnessed so far. This question is for the stupidly ignorant..as a geologist I know how long it took for mountains to be form, for oil in the Niger Delta to accumulate, for a river to run its course and so on and so forth...so the answer will always be "give it enough time, a million years maybe and you might see"

Another point here is on Coldness. Coldness is inversely proportional to Heat, and hotness is directly proportional to heat. Both are terminologies not a physical entity, so the argument based on cold or no cold, darkness or no darkness is foolishly devoid of merit. I read something about -498 degrees, the writer never made it clear if the unit is in Celsius, Farenthiets or Kelvin...yet he based his cold arguments on this flawed premises. The lowest temperature is -273 degrees Celsius or 0 Kelvin. All known elements solidifies before this temperature is reached...and it is known as the absolute temperature.

In conclusion, God gave us a brain, the working of the brain produces the mind, in the mind lies Thoughts, Ideas, Dreams and co....without the brain, a material entity there will be no mind, an immaterial entity.
God gave us the tongue, the working of the tongue, a material entity produces words, an immaterial entity.
I have raised this point before and I will raise it again...

"From the Physical Universe,/ Comes the Spiritual Universe"
---from "The Journey of the Soul"

Who knows, we might even be surprise to discover at the end, that God himself is part and parcel of the natural Universe, a product of this natural universe....if I were to call The Natural Universe the Brain, then I will Call God, the Mind.

Matter begot the Mind, but its the Mind that subdues, purify, perfects and recreates Matter. It is the mind that rules over Matter and visa versa....what I call a SYMBIOSIS.

By: Okoye Chukwudi Ezeamalukwuo Solar (Mr. Charles)

About Author (Click the link below)
Okoye Chukwudi Ezeamalukwuo Solar (Mr. Charles) 

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Friday, 22 March 2013

Prehistoric Unexplained Mystery

Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster is a prehistoric creature thought to inhabit the Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. As lake monsters go, Scotland has tales of a fair few, with Nessie gaining the most popularity of all on the back of anecdotal evidence.
Nessie first hit the headlines in 1933 when astory was published in the Inverness Courier . The report quoted a Londoner who had visited a few weeks earlier as seeing: "a most extraordinary form of animal... the nearest approach to a dragon or pre-historic animal that I have ever seen in my life."
After that, more sightings were reported and this unexplained phenomena hit international headlines. That same year, one motorcyclist claimed to nearly hit Nessie late one night as it lumbered across the road and slid back into the loch. Soon, apparent photos of the Loch Ness Monster were published.
In 1960, an aeronautical engineer filmed a hump crossing the water in Loch Ness in a powerful wake unlike that of a boat.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Bentwaters UFO sightings

There have been many UFO sightings in American history, as some of the famous ones such as Area 51 Roswell, Belgian UFO wave, and the Battle for Los Angeles, are allextremely well-known UFO sightings.

However, amongst these top tier famous sightings lies another unsolved UFO mystery, and that is the case of the Bentwater sightings, more commonly known as Rendlesham Forest incident. It is coined Rendlesham Forest due to the unexplained sightings, lights, and alleged landings of multiple unknown crafts from an unknown entity. The Rendlesham Forest located in Suffolk England, was the primary a victim ofthese sightings during the later end of December in 1980. As many ufologists consider it Britain's Roswell, many believe this is the most infamous case of sightings ever seen within England. Suspiciously enough, England's Ministry of Defense chose not to investigate the scene nor the incidents, as it was believed that it posed no serious threat to the security of the area or the nation.