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Ndi Igbo
"Science does not conflict with God,
For it seeks Harmony in all.
does not conflict with God,
But with Religion and Its Law".
excerpt from "The Journey of the Soul"
In as much as I believe
that there is a reason for everything, in as much as I believe that
there is a reason for our existence, for life and death, and that there
is no mistakes or chances in the Universe. I think that shallow
explanations or reasoning (or lack of them) of things are not good bases
for mankind even if such explanations/ reasoning gives us all a peace
of mind.
I am yet to read any book where it is clearly stated
"Science Confirms the Non-Existence of God," rather all that science is
doing is to make us to be more realistic, to be users of our mind, to be
better at our faith. Science has tried to rationalize everything, to
make all make all that a skeptics will see
and believe.
To say that something is True, it is if and only if it
is universally true at all times. You can not be fair today and tomorrow
dark and expect to be called universally true. You cant keep people
"blessed" by continuous confusing them and making it difficult for them
to find out the truth under the foundation of "Believe it all in Faith"
Idea of God is a very delicate one but if our 5 material senses can not
see it, smell it, touch it, hear it or taste it, then as far as the
physical Universe is concern, that the notion of God is done and dusted
till a new theory/ hypothesis is propounded...on e that we all can
experiment upon and not one we should blindly follow. Though there are
cases to be made for the electric sense...which makes one feel something
without the aid of his 5 sense organs but that is a part of science that
is still developing and at this time littered with ambiguity and
George Berkeley once famously said
"Esse est Percipi"
(To exist is to be perceived.. So if no one perceive God on the physical
level then physically God does not exist but in the Spiritual level as
some would say, perhaps he does exist therein but our technology for
now is limited to the physical realm.
The writer of this article
made mention of Evolution. EVOLUTION is only one of the THEORIES that
explains the existences of life-form on earth as we know it...but not the
only Theory. A theory is an explanation that might still be refuted by a
better theory, it is very very different from a Law.
A law in science
is A and the Law of gravity, law of thermodynamics, Hooke's
law etc but there is no Law yet for the formation of life. Still this
theory has tried in its own way to explain life with some evidence
though imperfect-as they may be, but an evidence still. Its religious
counterpart quickly to denounce it forget to give us any evidence to
support its points except that "God made the animals and then made Man,
and you should never doubt God, you should not concern yourself with his
ways but in all thing Believe!" they have even in a mocking way asked
ignorantly why no evolution has been witnessed so far. This question is
for the stupidly a geologist I know how long it took for
mountains to be form, for oil in the Niger Delta to accumulate, for a
river to run its course and so on and so the answer will
always be "give it enough time, a million years maybe and you might see"
point here is on Coldness. Coldness is inversely proportional to Heat,
and hotness is directly proportional to heat. Both are terminologies not
a physical entity, so the argument based on cold or no cold, darkness
or no darkness is foolishly devoid of merit. I read something about -498
degrees, the writer never made it clear if the unit is in Celsius,
Farenthiets or Kelvin...yet he based his cold arguments on this flawed
premises. The lowest temperature is -273 degrees Celsius or 0 Kelvin.
All known elements solidifies before this temperature is reached...and
it is known as the absolute temperature.
In conclusion, God gave
us a brain, the working of the brain produces the mind, in the mind lies
Thoughts, Ideas, Dreams and co....without the brain, a material entity
there will be no mind, an immaterial entity.
God gave us the tongue,
the working of the tongue, a material entity produces words, an
immaterial entity.
I have raised this point before and I will raise
it again...
"From the Physical Universe,/ Comes the Spiritual
---from "The Journey of the Soul"
Who knows, we
might even be surprise to discover at the end, that God himself is part
and parcel of the natural Universe, a product of this natural
universe....if I were to call The Natural Universe the Brain, then I
will Call God, the Mind.
Matter begot the Mind, but its the Mind
that subdues, purify, perfects and recreates Matter. It is the mind that
rules over Matter and visa versa....what I call a SYMBIOSIS.
By: Okoye Chukwudi Ezeamalukwuo Solar (Mr. Charles)
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Okoye Chukwudi Ezeamalukwuo Solar (Mr. Charles)
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